Who are behind this storybook?

Jolien van der Geugten, author

"If you don't have a skin condition yourself, it's hard to imagine what the impact could be. When my son went to grade school, I missed an uplifting story. That is the reason why I conceived and wrote Luke and the tiger for children with and without a skin condition. I hope parents, teachers, and other adults read the book and enjoy the story!” Jolien van der Geugten PhD is a researcher, writer and teacher. She wrote Luke and the tiger because her son has ichthyosis.

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Nynke Boelens illustraties

Nynke Boelens, illustrator

"Ever since I was able to listen (and later read) I've been a story-eater with a love of adventure. As a children's book illustrator I tell the same story in pictures. My cheerful and colorful illustrations put a smile on your face and conquer a place in your heart. In every story I look for the imagination. I look curiously at the world around me, because sometimes the most fantastic things are hidden in the small. I like to be amazed.”

Gerda Spee, designer

My passion is to make (brand) stories visible. Open, honest and pure. To portray the authentic power of a story, an entrepreneur, a passion, a brand or a goal. So that the right target group is not only reached but actually touched. Together we let the positive impact grow and give real value that people may receive and experience.

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About the sponsor

This book was made possible by the foundation 'Under Your Skin' from The Netherlands.

Many children are referred too late to the skincare that is needed. This leads to unnecessary suffering and complications. In addition, many children face social and emotional problems. This can and must change! Under Your Skin was founded to improve this situation.

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Children's book about the skin condition ichthyosis: Luke and the tiger

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